Yesterday, Sunday, we had bacon and eggs for breakfast.
Those of you who know Andrew well will realise how significant this is for him!
It was a fitting last breaky together and there was time before the church
service to have a fuller meal.
The service at Borroloola AIM church was similar to other
indigenous churches in that there’s a time of singing and then a time of
sharing. Perhaps it is a cultural thing because the Aboriginal people are a
“story based” culture. It is certainly different from what we are used to.
After lunch, we escaped the heat by going down to the
river. It looks SOOO inviting and
unfortunately is the last place you can cool off - unless you want it to be the
last place that you experience... the waters are infested with crocodiles! We found some shade, talked with one
another, read books, the kids played games and some spent time singing and
practising songs on guitars and a violin.
It was a relaxed, informal time and I loved it.
We had an early dinner that night because the evening church
meeting was to start at 6pm. Some
of the church leaders came and had dinner with us. We didn’t get to the church
until 7pm but as I mentioned, time is fluid here. This time the singing and
sharing happened by a campfire.
Afterwards, we came back and the rest of the team were
getting organised for an early get away this morning. Goodbyes were a bit rushed but somehow easier that way. We
will miss being with this team as they go on to other indigenous communities in
outback Queensland for one more week but are so thankful for the time we have
had together and the bonds that have been formed.
I love that you make church a priority during your adventures!