Saturday, 29 June 2013

Long lay over in Longreach

We decided to have a shorter driving day on Thursday to give ourselves a break from the full-on driving we'd been doing.  We also wanted to do some sight-seeing - Qantas Museum, Stockman's Hall of Fame...  After we set up camp, Andrew checked our vitals and realised that our suspension was gone. We couldn't do anything then, so there were anxious thoughts and many prayers that night. Thankfully, the one place that could actually deal with this problem, managed to squeeze us in on Friday.  So, we had extra time in Longreach... to catch up on washing, get in more supplies and go back to the Qantas Museum and look at more things that we hadn't had time for the day before.  Though it has meant we had more miles to cover with less time, it was a welcome break.  We were thankful that we didn't break down in the middle of nowhere!

As I type this, I'm sitting at McDonald's in Mt. Isa, having my morning coffee.  Gotta love free Wifi on the road...even if it is slow!  We hope to get to Tennant Creek tonight and catch up with AIM Mission team.

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