Sunday, 30 June 2013

Sunday with an “AIM”

Sunday with an “AIM”

Today, we went to the Australian Indigenous Ministry Church in Tennant Creek.  I can only speak for myself  - I hope to have the boys up and blogging soon so that they can share their experiences and point of view. I felt like an outsider looking in as children sat patiently with their mums and the men talked and stood around before the service began.  As soon as the Aboriginal leader started the service, we all became one in Christ; singing and sharing in the time together. Being a part of God’s people has that unity no matter whether we are of the same background, tribe or nation. 

The Sunday School children got up at one point to share some songs with us and a couple of the kids from our group got up and joined in.  We sang “Happy Birthday” to a couple of people celebrating in the coming week and then settled down for the message. One of our number was the guest speaker this week and sharing his personal testimony. He has Aboriginal heritage and spoke honestly about some of the struggles he’s had in the past and where Christ has brought him to today.

We spoke with a number of people from the congregation after the service and then came back to the campsite for lunch.  A couple of missionary families with AIM came and had the meal with us and spoke of their work in this area and among indigenous people with other remote communities.

It's been great to join in with the other families on this Mission Awareness Tour.  The kids are all off playing together and we are enjoying getting to know each family and learning more about them.  Tomorrow morning, we are heading off to the mission community at Canteen Creek - some 180kms from here.  It's mostly on dirt track so the caravan stays here and we'll tent it with everyone else. Not sure if I will be able to write much from there.  We'll see...

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