Saturday, 30 March 2013

FIAR in summary - Aug 2008

I guess I haven’t posted anything in the Five in a Row section for a while because we haven’t had any magnificent art work to put on show.  FIAR has taken a bit of a back seat this year but we have still been doing things quietly in the background.
For instance, we read Make Way for Ducklings in preparation for going to Boston and did see some of the streets and landmarks of that book as we toured the city in May.
I even took Maybelle the Cable Car by Virginia Burton so we could go through that while in San Francisco. Yes, it isn’t officially a part of the program but you can use many of the ideas with any picture book once you get used to it.
We bought another copy of Mike Mulligan and his Steam Shovel with an audio CD and listened to that in the car with Mark as we travelled into the industrial north of the USA.  That didn’t mean much to him but we do read this book a few times in the one year and always seem to get more out of it. I think Andrew preferred not having the man reading the story or maybe it was just in the confines of the car???
We read The Hatmaker’s Sign soon after we got back from our trip and that was great because we had been to Philadelphia and Boston so it made more sense to the boys with that context in the background. Adam appreciated the humour of this book and even Mark caught on to the diminishing sign as the story unfolded…
I also thought it would be good to do Who Made the Sun? soon after we got back as we had talked about slavery and the Civil War, visiting Gettysburg in April.   I will put up a separate review of that book after I post this.
So, we are not doing a FIAR book every week and we are picking and choosing our way through books from volumes 1,2 and 4.  This time is mainly for Adam & Mark and is about appreciating a good story.
We just seem to have too many things on in the afternoon to allow the extra time for the art work.  Each picture takes a couple of days and I guess it’s all or nothing.  I might try to build some of this time in as the days get warmer and we scale back on outside commitments.

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