Saturday, 30 March 2013

Chicken Mummy - October 2004

Way back in 2004, we used Story of the
World and did the chicken mummy activity. Well, I must say that it is
one of those experiences you only go through once! I did find it to be
a worthwhile experience but I don't think I'll be choosing it when the
younger boys get up to it. It involves 6-8 weeks of work, constantly
re-checking the chicken and re-salting it so that it will continue to
dry out and not smell.
All wrapped up with the jewels
Ready for burial
Buried in the backyard…

Making Mummies

I was asked for the Chicken Mummy instructions. We did this project in 2004 from the Story of the World curriculum. The instructions are boxed up with the work from that year and in the garage! I did look around a little on the web and noticed an apple mummification process. This might be a bit nicer to try:
Hope that helps!

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