Saturday, 30 March 2013

The Story of Ping -March 2007

We have started using Five in a Row again this year. My son, who is 5, is enjoying the stories and so are the rest of us!

I am following the advice of a friend – I read on the first day, Zac reads to Adam on the next day, then Stephen reads, then I read again. So, I set the model for how the book should be read at the beginning of the week, giving the appropriate expression and then the other boys follow.
Day one is always the story disk. We look at where the book is set, place the story disk on the map of the world and look at the clues for the culture in the story itself.
Usually by Day 3 or 4, we are looking at the artwork in the story and this time, we all drew Ping in the yellow waters of the Yangtze River. I’ll put the drawings below:
My Ping. I drew and demonstrated to the children to help them with their drawings.

Stephen decided to do two different pictures of Ping from the book and I really love the one at the bottom. He showed some initiative, which was great.
Zac’s drawing.
One of the lines in the book comes from the Chinese boatman when Ping is caught, saying "A duck dinner has come to us!"  We all decided Zac’s duck would make a nice dinner.

Adam has a nice duck dinner too   He worked well on this and enjoyed the challenge of a larger project.

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